Galleria d'Arte
Raffaella De Chirico

via Monte di Pietà 1A
20121 Milano

Ph +39 392 89 72 581

Riccardo Angelini

Fermo, 1980
Lives and works in Fermo

Visual artist born in Fermo in 1980, he graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna with a thesis entitled "La forma nell'informe" in which he deepens the theme of perception and psychology of form through a panoramic tour on site, then focusing his artistic research in this direction with the intention of bringing it to a point of absolute synthesis.

In recent years the artist transforms and transcends suffering and caducity into an evolutionary, sublimated and alchemical dimension, through the use of natural pictorial media, especially cochineal powders, chlorophyll, ash, graphite, in combination with the water of springs and seas close to its places of life and work, in an intense and rooted link with the territory where the works originate. In the alchemy of materials, Angelini infuses his poetry with a spiritual inspiration, a cathartic and healing process that transmits pain into the wonder of creative power.

The pictorial material leads the observer into an effusive and mutative form, defined by gesture, transported by time through spatial continuity, further investigated by photographic, audiovisual and sculptural means as a trace of a constant becoming, a complete evolution in perpetual renewal.

The artist lives and works between Moresco (FM) and Paris where he collaborates with several international realities related to the world of art and culture.

Riccardo Angelini
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