Galleria d'Arte
Raffaella De Chirico

via Monte di Pietà 1A
20121 Milano

Ph +39 392 89 72 581

Nico Mingozzi

Portomaggiore, 1976.
Lives and works in Borghi

Nico Mingozzi was born in Portomaggiore (Fe) on 26th October 1976. He attended the art institute Dosso Dossi and obtained his diploma as master of Art. His works are made with Indian ink, acrylic, scratch and metal inserts.

Mingozzi’s work chooses photographic collecting as conceptual foundation; the patient collection of images, mostly in black and white, picked up by the bourgeois universe of the last century at its birth. They are bodies and faces of people now disappeared, severe puritanical and neo-Gothic looks as it was the era that saw them protagonists of involuntary passions contained in a most demanding social discipline. But the poetic tone of this selection is dominated by melancholy, by the idea of death and the anxieties it generates in faces and flesh.

Past exhibitions:

Mexico City, Zona Maco Foto
Basel, Photo Basel
Rimini, Drawings Biennal
Milan, MIA Photo Fair

Turin, Raffaella De Chirico Contemporary Art, Unbelievable Monsters
Turin, The Others

Bologna, SetUp, D406
Paris, Drawing Now, D406
Modena, Monstrum (solo), D406
Modena, Il Mucchio Selvaggio III, D406

Modena, Disegni e installazioni parte I, D406
Modena, Disegni e installazioni parte II, D406
Turin, Collettiva, Weber & Weber
Monaco, Stroke Art Fair, D406

Turin, The Others Art Fair
Modena, Scorci violati (personale), Cayce's Lab
Turin, Scorci violati (personale), Weber & Weber

Milan, Collettiva, Palazzo della Permanente
Vincitore del Premio "Arte" Mondadori
Cascia, Luci sorgenti 2

Bologna, Il Punto (solo)
Rimini, Instabilità del segno

Forli' (solo)
Bologna, ArteFiera

Nico Mingozzi
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