Galleria d'Arte
Raffaella De Chirico

via Monte di Pietà 1A
20121 Milano

Ph +39 392 89 72 581

Mohsen Baghernejad Moghanjooghi

Tehran, 1988
Lives and works in Turin

He studied computer graphics at high school, then he worked with his brother for 5 years (he is an architect) in 2012 he came to Italy, and he began to study at the academy fine arts (Albertina) to Turin

"I constantly fascinated by the ununpredictability of gesture and thought. As if I'm following a path, I find the ideal reward in the exploration of materials and constant affirmation of the ideas and imagination. Rippling in the insecurity of the artistic practice, questioning the value of the sign/symbol I lokk for salace in the materialisation of instinctual gesture."

Mohsen Baghenejad M.

Mohsen Baghernejad Moghanjooghi
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