Galleria d'Arte
Raffaella De Chirico

via Monte di Pietà 1A
20121 Milano

Ph +39 392 89 72 581

Matteo Procaccioli Della Valle

Jesi, 1983
Lives and works in Milan

Following nearly a decade of artistic training, he works with photography. His research is focused on the theme of urban and non- urban landscapes, and seeks to capture the “between”, the complex moment of transition between the traditional, the historical and the contemporary. In his work, the man is physically absent, present only through the testimony of his passage through the endless voids of the silent landscapes that distinguish them. They are not stories, or plots to discover; only atmosphere that enfolds the observer, that transports the viewer into the image. In his work, time is suspended; the various spatial scenarios are deliberately unrecognizable, with no reference to precise situations.
His work results from processing that combines traditional and innovative techniques. The documentation of reality is the first critical step to the finished product, the result of an articulated path in which the artist physically works on the materiality of the image. With different points of view ranging from the search for verticality, through low angle shots of the majestic city skyline, to bird’s eye visions of the city in its natural context, Procaccioli sets the stage for a reconsideration of the relationship between structures, space and nature, the absence of which, as in the case of man, is an eloquent reference to its inescapable presence.

Solo exhibitions:

CITY BREAK, Raffaella De Chirico Arte Contemporanea, Milano.
PRIVATE, Raffaella De Chirico Arte Contemporanea, ex Riva, via Savona 56, Milano

VESTIGES, Liquid Art System – via Vittorio Emanuele 56, Capri
STRUCTURES, Dream Factory – corso Garibaldi 117, Milano

MICROCITIES, Chorus – via Della Conciliazione 4 Roma, a cura di Luca Beatrice

MICROCITIES, Museo della Permanente – via Turati 34 Milano, a cura di Luca Beatrice

Group exhibitions:

NATURA PLASTICA, Blindarte – via Palermo 11 Milano

SALETERRARUM, Villa Litta Borromeo di Lainate, ideata e curata da Angela Madesani
SELF, Palazzo Cà Zanardi, Cannareggio, Venezia, curata da Luca Curci
THE ART OF RECIPROCITY, Dada East Gallery, Via Varese, 12 – Milano

Matteo Procaccioli Della Valle
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