Galleria d'Arte
Raffaella De Chirico

via Monte di Pietà 1A
20121 Milano

Ph +39 392 89 72 581

Gisella Chaudry

Palermo 1989
Lives and works in Turin

Gisella Chaudry grows up in a multicultural family (Pakistani father and Sicilian mother), where the social difficulty is always present: Sicilian condition culturally linked to traditions and the discrimination on the ethnicity of her father.
This essential aspect, while growing up, turns into empathy for those who live these situations today, who decide to accomplish catharsis by facing the sea. This situation is aggravated by globalization and repeated wars that have increased the number of migratory flows.
Journeys from East to West and from South to North looking for better possibilities and expectations. Gisella Chaudry reflects on the principle of multicultural aggregations in which the earth it’s not only the cradle of different cultures, but also an illusion that becomes affliction caused by dictatorships, prejudices, ignorance and exploitation.
This point of view is tangled between dystopia and utopia, fed by the gap between social classes and technological domination, the possibility of a new humanism is pushed away.

Solo exhibitions:

PUNTO DI CONTATTO, Raffaella De Chirico Arte Contemporanea, Milano.

TALVOLTA NOTTURNA, L’officina arte con-temporanea, Torino. (curated by Paola Stroppiana)

Davide Paludetto Arte Contemporanea, Torino. (curated by Fabio Vito Lacertosa)

Group exhibitions:

STRANGE TIMES, Basile Contemporary, Roma
RI-ABITARE, il Quartiere, saluzzo.

(curated by Francesca Canfora)

PUNTO DI CONTATTO, Raffaella De Chirico – Arte Contemporanea, Milano.
CHOICES, Raffaella De Chirico – Arte Contemporanea, Milano.

PAINT IT BLACK, Raffaella De Chirico – Arte Contemporanea, Torino. EARTH, AIR, SPACE, Raffaella De Chirico – Arte Contemporanea, Milano.
LEVIA,GRAVIA, Galleria Umberto Benappi, Torino. (curated by Francesca Canfora, Roberto Mastroianni)

PRIMA NECESSITA’//BASIC NECESSITIES, mostra telematica nel periodo della quarantena a causa del Covid-19, Instagram. (curated by @SpazioY, @abc_artcollective, @nation.2.0)
#IO RESTO, L’officina arte con-temporanea, Torino.

RE- OPENING CONTEMPORARY, Davide Paludetto Arte Contemporanea, Torino.

EQUINOZIO D’AUTUNNO. COSMO, L’UNIVERSO INTIMO, Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Castello di Rivara, Torino. (curated by Danilo Lo Piccolo)
HOME SWEET HOME, Davide Paludetto Arte Contemporanea, Torino.
 BLOCCO/9, Chiesa di San Crispin0 e Crispiniano, Palermo. (curated by Danilo Lo Piccolo)

CONTROLLO DEL CORPO, L’officina arte con-temporanea, Torino.
 EQUINOZIO D’AUTUNNO, Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Castello di Rivara, Torino. (curated by Fabio Vito Lacertosa)

4 EQUILIBRI PALERMITANI, Davide Paludetto Arte Contemporanea, Torino.
 (curated by Fabio Vito Lacertosa)

SHINE, Galleria GSF Contemporany Art, Torino, (curated by AccaAtelier)
 RAID, abitazione confiscata alla famiglia Lo Bue, Corleone, Palermo. (curated by FatStudio) CONTROLLO DEL CORPO, Spazio Y, Palermo
PALERMO SPLEEN, Spazio Y, Palazzo savona, Palermo.

U MARIMOTU, XXS aperto al contemporaneo, Palermo.

IMPOSSIBILE, Spazio Bianco, Torino. (curated by Saverio Todaro e Nicus Lucà)

IN HOC SIGNO, Palazzo Costantino, Palermo.

HYDRA, ex Convento dei Carmelitani, Partinico, Palermo.

Gisella Chaudry
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