Eva Sørensen
Hernig, 1940 - Verbania 2019Lived in Verbania

Eva Sørensen studied in Paris with the sculptor Laszlo Szabo. In the very early Sixties she settled in Italy, frequented artists such as Piero Manzoni, Lucio Fontana and Enrico Castellani and during a period spent at Albisola began to work with ceramics. Her first solo show was organized by the Birch gallery in Copenhagen in 1963. From the second half of the 1960s she participated in numerous group shows and realised sculptures for public bodies and museums in Scandinavia. In 1976, the museum of Aarhus and Koldinghus organized and anthological exhibition of her work and the following year the artist moved to Mergozzo (VB). In 1978, she exhibited her sculptures in Milan’s Parco Sempione with a presentation by Pierre Restany and at the Ordrupgaard Museum in Copenhagen. In 1982 she participated in the Venice Biennale, exhibiting drawings and sculptures in the Danish Pavilion.
The works of Eva Sørensen can be found in the art collections of the Ny Carlsberg Foundation and the Danish State Art Foundation and are exhibited permanently in public museums and institutions in numerous Danish cities.
Past exhibitions:
Rome, Palazzo Falconieri, OLTRE ROMA
Budapest, Italian Institute of Culture, "Beyond the Foreground"
Turin (Italy), Raffaella De Chirico Contemporary Art, "An Art of One's Own: GROUP SHOW"
Turin (Italy), Flashback, Pala Alpitour - Isozaki
Milan (Italy), Studio Francesco Messina del Comune di Milano, "Parva sed apta mihi – Due donne e una scelta", in collaboration with Raffaella De Chirico Contemporary Art
Turin (Italy), Raffaella De Chirico Contemporary Art, "Of Memory and Time, Anthological Exhibition"
Machelen-aan-de-Leie (Belgium), Roger Raveelmuseum, "Albisola". Group exhibition. Exhibited artists: Lucio Fontana, Asger Jorn, Wifredo Lam, Eva Sørensen, Serge Vandercam.
Turin (Italy), Raffaella De Chirico Contemporary, "Linea Mentis". Group exhibition. Exhibited artists: Irma Blank, Eva Sørensen, Gaspare.
Verbania (Italy), Lake Side Art Gallery
Domodossola (Italy)
Milan (Italy), Antonia Jannone Art Gallery
Venice (Italy), Biennale di Venezia - danish pavilion. Solo exhibition.
Taarnby (Denmark), hydro-sculptures for Taarnby Municipality.
Hvidovre (Copenhagen, Denmark), green granite sculptures for Hvidovre Municipality.
Herning (Denmark), granite sculptures for Statione Square
Copenhagen (Denmark), Ordrupgaard Museum
Milan (Italy), Parco Sempione
Aarhus (Denmark), Aarhus and Koldinghus Art Museums, "Anthological Exhibition"
Reykjavik (Iceland), Scandinavian House. Group exbhition.
Aarhus (Denmark), AA-Mostra. Group exhibition.
Helsinki (Finland), Art Association of Herning Scandinavian Countries Biennal Exhibition.
Grønningen (Copenhagen, Denmark). Many group exhibitions.
Copenhagen (Denmark), Den Frie. Group exhibitions.
Copenhagen (Denmark), Lingby. Group exhibitions.
Copenhagen (Denmark), Birch Gallery. First solo exhibition.