Galleria d'Arte
Raffaella De Chirico

via Monte di Pietà 1A
20121 Milano

Ph +39 392 89 72 581

The choices of Börje Tobiasson | INTERNAZIONALE


Born in 1952 in Tingsas, Sweden, Börje Tobiasson moved to Italy in the late 1980s. The photos he took tell of his life choices, sometimes radical: continuous journeys, Buddhism, the rejection of a permanent place in which to live.

Sometimes they tell of conflicts, other historical periods and places that have marked important moments in the country they are in: from Albania to the Gaza Strip, from Egypt to Mexico.

"In the work of Tobiasson you can catch nuances, details, feelings just mentioned, nostalgia, emotion, without complaints, without positions, without incantations." To prevail is a silent point of view, a noble and peaceful point of view, without appearing distant and arrogant, "wrote Denis Curti in 2012.

The photos of Tobiasson are at the center of the exhibition It was difficult to be in the city, exhibited at the Raffella De Chirico gallery in Turin, until December 22, 2018. The title is inspired by a song by Bruce Springsteen.

Contemporary Art Gallery Milan

Contemporary Art Gallery
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