Galleria d'Arte
Raffaella De Chirico

via Monte di Pietà 1A
20121 Milano

Ph +39 392 89 72 581

Matteo Procaccioli Della Valle City Break | SEGNO


From 15 September to 31 October 2022, the Raffaella De Chirico gallery presents CITY BREAK, the first solo exhibition by Matteo Procaccioli Della Valle (Jesi, 1983) in the gallery's Turin spaces. The last stage of a path to enhance the artist's work that Raffaella De Chirico started in March 2022 - which began with the publication and exhibition/event Private. Polaroid, 2012-2022, curated by Benedetta Donato, then moving on in April to the solo-show presented at MIA Milan Image Art Fair 2022 – CITY BREAK brings to Turin a wide selection of works by Matteo Procaccioli Della Valle, from works of great format in intimate Polaroids, accompanied by a text also edited by Benedetta Donato.

Contemporary Art Gallery Milan

Contemporary Art Gallery
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